An online university degree is an excellent way to complete your education on your terms and to spend less to complete the degree while increasing your earnings. If you are considering earning your degree online, but don’t know where to start, here are the top things to consider. If you are working a full-time job or have other obligations that keep you busy, and you don’t have the luxury to commit to attending lectures on-ground here are a few things to inform your decision in choosing an online degree.
How do you find the right online university?
Choosing an online university and a degree program requires many hours to research your options. Consider these criteria for comparing your options:
- Accreditation
- Degree Programs
- Learning Experience
- Tuition
Destiny Education has partnered with American InterContinental University and Trident University to bring you access to higher education 100% online.
The most important factor in selecting an online university is the university standing in its country of origin. Accreditation means that the higher institution is officially recognized and certified by organizations that govern education in that country, before enrolling into any online university research on the accreditation level of the university because not all universities are rated equally.
One interesting fact is Destiny Education partner American universities, AIU and Trident Universities, are regionally accredited in the U.S. This is the highest level of accreditation in the U.S; regional accreditation is preferred by employers. Within this context, regionally accredited institutions are naturally considered more prestigious. With the U.S. regionally accredited degree, you have options on a global scale because hiring companies know the academic standards are the highest.
High-quality degree programs are another thing to look out for when choosing an online university. Are the degree programs offered tailored for the 21st century? Does the curriculum meet up with the globally accepted standards? Does the degree program prepare me for jobs? These are a few questions that will help your research into any school’s degree program before you enroll.
Destiny Education’s partner American universities degree program offerings include all levels: Associate, Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate; and they are designed as professional-type degrees that meet the jobs market needs of today. They provide opportunities for graduates in key growth industries in the 21st-century jobs market. The degree programs offered are taught by industry leaders with real-world industry experience; each program and specializations are designed to make you attractive to employers.
Online Education has grown within the last few years and it’s getting more attention as the main way for working individuals to seek higher education. With this growth, a lot of institutions of higher learning are developing vital and optimized learning experiences for their online campuses. One key requirement you need to understand is the interaction and engagement level that a virtual campus offers. Are you able to interact with fellow students? Do you have access to the professors? Are classes available for you on your schedule? Can you track your degree progress? Do you have a graduation team to help you at each step? These questions are vital when choosing online education.
In securing partnerships with our partner universities, Destiny Education answers affirmatively the above questions. We’ve partnered with universities that are leaders in online education, and that have been able to bring the perfect learning experience to students in their virtual campuses. Our partner universities virtual campuses are available 24/7 enabling students to take courses on their schedule, a virtual library that gives you access to resource materials, you are also able to track your degree progress, the web-based and mobile app platforms are optimized to enable you to communicate with your professors and other students. There’s also 24/7 support available in the advent of a situation that needs resolution. All this makes the learning experience seamless and interesting.
Finally on the list of key things to look out for while researching for online education is the tuition. What will it cost for you to study at the university? Are there grant offers? Is a payment plan available? These considerations are necessary for your quest of making a decision.
We’ve answered these questions affirmatively at Destiny Education. Enrolling in our partner American universities through Destiny Education affords you a substantial grant opportunity. This is made possible through Destiny Education’s grant program available to International students. Destiny Education has also structured a payment plan that will afford students to make payments towards their education.
Destiny Education (DestinyEDU) is a student advisory company with offices in the United States and Nigeria. We are authorized to recruit international students into partner American universities. DestinyEDU is uniquely positioned to offer degree programs at substantially reduced costs.
University grants or scholarships are based on established criteria as published in the University Catalog or on its website and are awarded after verification that the conditions of eligibility have been met.
Enroll into our partner American university and begin your journey to earn professionally-focused degrees that open doors to global job opportunities;
Associate Degree Programs,
Bachelor Degree Programs,
Master Degree Programs,
Doctorate Degree Programs,