Referral Rewards – DestinyEDU – Destiny Education

Do you know someone who can benefit from Destiny Education’s Grant?
The Grant pays reduces tuition to $2,600 per academic year to attend an
American-accredited university online.
Our Referral Program provides an opportunity to recommend DestinyEDU to your
friends, family and colleagues, and in return for your referrals, we provide you with a
financial gift; here is how it works:

1. Refer a friend.
2. Your friend enrolls as a student and mentions you.
3. When your friend completes enrollment, receive your
cash payment.

Start referring today and you receive cash payments for each student.

When you make the referral, we track your referral and ensure that you receive 
payment.  To make a referral please provide the person’s name, email and phone
number.  We do the rest.


  • A principal sum as agreed is paid in accordance with the rules provided herein.
  • The Referral Program is only offered to you for new students who are
    starting their first year and have not previously enrolled through DestinyEDU.
  • You may receive one referral payment per student enrolled through DestinyEDU.
  • Your referred student must be an active, non-suspended student in good standing
    at partner universities on the referral program payment due date.
  • There is no limit to the number of students you may refer.
  • The referred student is required to successfully complete the first term of the first
    year and to be enrolled in a second term of the first year within 1 year of starting the
    first term.
  • Upon the referred student’s successful enrollment in the second term of the first year,
    DestinyEDU delivers your payment to the referrer.


  • You must be at least 18 years old to be eligible for awards, which are non-
    transferable. You are responsible for all taxes, local requirements and fees.
  • Referral awards are conditional on and subject to local laws and regulations.
  • You may not be a legal representative or partner of DestinyEDU or any
    affiliate of DestinyEDU.
  • Nothing in the Referral shall be deemed to create any kind of relationship
    between the referrer and DestinyEDU, unless perviously agreed through DestinyEDU.
  • The referrer has no authority to represent or bind DestinyEDU.


We introduce this program in good faith and expect the same Good faith in return.
Please note that we may withhold awards where we believe referrers are acting
in bad faith or otherwise acting contrary to the intent of this program. To be clear,
commercializing, advertising, publishing, mass distributing, selling or paying for
use of referrals is not appropriate, and we will not honor these.

Not Ok: Advertising | Spam | Anything misleading or annoying
Paying or offering incentives for use of your referral 
Ok: Informational & fan websites sharing | Social media sharing

The Referral Program and its terms are subject to change. DestinyEDU reserves the
right to withhold payment when the referred student’s enrollment status is
disputed by our partner universities.


Do you know someone who can benefit from Destiny Education's grant? Start referring them and start earning extra cash!

Fill out the form below to register for the student referral program.